Consistent, restful sleep is one of the simplest and most important ways to boost our overall help health. But according to the Center for Disease Control, a third of American adults are struggling to get the recommended 7 hours per night.

At Wanderous, we think sleep is so important that we offer FIVE calibrated, plant-powered products to help people get it. The trouble is, many people are too busy to even notice howsleep-starved they are. So, here’s a quick list of 5 signs you’re a little sleep-deprived – and5 tricks to help you get more shut-eye.

Warning Signs of Sleep Deprivation:

  • You need an alarm clock to wake up.

    It’s tough to find a hard-working American who doesn’t set their alarm before bed each night. But it turns out, alarm clocks are best used as a back-up method to your body’s own internal rhythms. If yours is ripping you out of a peaceful slumber every morning, reports the University of California Medical Center at Irvine, that means your body just isn’t ready to be awake yet.

  • You’re frequently in a bad mood.

    What’s the sleep-deprived equivalent of hangry? Zzzzangry? Sleepvil? Whatever you call it,we all know that being overly tired can make us quicker to snap, cry, or feel burned out.According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard, better sleep means a brighter day

  • You’re having trouble focusing.

    There’s a reason 20% of car accidents are caused by sleep deprived drivers. When you’re not getting enough shut-eye, your brain gets foggy and your response times dulled – which can lead to memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and reduced performance at work.The next time you’re feeling spacey or distracted, consider whether a bad night’s sleep is to blame.

  • You’re craving unhealthy food.

    The CDC has linked poor sleep to a host of health problems, including high blood pressure and diabetes. Maybe that’s because a sleep-deprived body is believed to produce less of the appetite-suppressing hormones ghrelin and leptin, according to the American Heart Association. That makes us more inclined to snack, while feeling exhausted may make us less inclined to exercise. So as counterintuitive as it may seem, sleeping soundly is just as important to your fitness routine as consistent workouts

  • You get sick a lot.

    Ever find yourself coming down with a bug during a really stressful or inconvenient time,like just as you’re trying to cram for a big presentation at work or move all your belongings from one house to another? That’s no coincidence. Consistent, quality sleep is essential to a well-functioning immune system, according to the Sleep Foundation (and virtually any doctor you care to ask). Neglecting your nighttime routine can put you at increased risk of both short and long-term illness.

Hacks for Better Sleep:

  • Go to bed at the same time each night.

    A 2017 study found that going to sleep at the same time every night is just as important as the number of hours you snooze. While it can be challenging given the busy lives many of us lead, making regular bedtime a priority goes a long way toward improving your health, mood, and energy levels.

  • Cut down on screen time before bed.

    Most of us are so addicted to our phones, we don’t like to admit this tip works. But the Cleveland Clinic reports that engaging with texts or social media before bed may keep your brain too stimulated to sleep – and the blue light from your phone, tablet, and TV screens can actually deplete the sleep hormone melatonin. Unplug at least an hour before you hit the hay. If you need an activity to unwind, try listening to music or reading an ink-and-paper book (e-ink readers are also fine).

  • Create optimal sleep conditions.

    Treat your bedroom like the sanctuary it is so that you can feel safe and calm as you drift into dreamland. Partner likes to stay up with a reading light on? Try a dark sleep mask. Noisy neighbors keeping you awake? Invest in some soft earplugs or a white noise machine. And be sure to keep your room cool! According to the Sleep Foundation, the ideal temperature for sleep is somewhere around 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Try a natural sleep remedy (like cannabis!)

    Our favorite plant is full of compounds that can enhance, either by inducing sleepiness orby addressing the root causes of it, like stress and discomfort. Wanderous offers five calibrated sleep formulations from four of the most trusted brands in hemp. There are gummies and drinks, non-intoxicating CBD-only options as well as THC-infused formulations, and a variety of doses and flavors to suit your needs. No matter what’s making you toss and turn, odds are good that Wanderous has something to help


  • Talk to your doctor.

    While there are plenty of things you can try at home, poor sleep can be linked to both physical and mental health conditions, particularly anxiety and depression. If you’ve tried all of the above remedies and still can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep – or if you feel like you’re sleeping too much without really feeling rested – talk to your doctor about what else may be going on.

Long story short…

We obviously believe in the power of the plant to help you sleep. But, as with all things related to a healthy lifestyle, getting a good night’s rest requires a well-rounded approach. And if you use this list as a starting point, you could be living your most well-rested life in no time.

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Good Night Bundle

Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $59.00.


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