Alaska: No THC is allowed in any products.
Arizona: We’re excited to offer our hemp-derived beverages in your area! While we’re not currently offering our hemp gummies to your state on Wanderous, you ARE able to find Wana cannabis-derived gummies on the shelves in your local dispensary! Stop in and ask for Wana gummies today.
Arkansas: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
California: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Colorado: THC content is limited to 1.75 mg per serving and must maintain a 15:1 CBD to THC ratio.
Connecticut: THC is limited to 0.5 mg per serving and 5 mg per package, with a maximum of 3 mg per serving for beverages.
Delaware: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Florida: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Georgia: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Hawaii: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Idaho: No THC is allowed in any products.
Illinois: We’re excited to offer our hemp-derived beverages in your area! While we’re not currently offering our hemp gummies to your state on Wanderous, you ARE able to find Wana cannabis-derived gummies on the shelves in your local dispensary! Stop in and ask for Wana gummies today.
Indiana: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Iowa: THC limits have been changed to 4 mg per serving and 10 mg per package. Iowa is a pre-approval state that examines labels and COAs.
Kansas: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Kentucky: THC products must maintain a greater than 1:1 CBD to THC ratio.
Louisiana: THC content is limited to 5 mg per serving and 40 mg per package. Beverages must have a minimum size of 12 ounces.
Maine: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Maryland: THC content is limited to 0.5 mg per serving and 2.5 mg per package.
Massachusetts: We’re excited to offer our hemp-derived beverages in your area! While we’re not currently offering our hemp gummies to your state on Wanderous, you ARE able to find Wana cannabis-derived gummies on the shelves in your local dispensary! Stop in and ask for Wana gummies today.
Michigan: We’re excited to offer our hemp-derived beverages in your area! While we’re not currently offering our hemp gummies to your state on Wanderous, you ARE able to find Wana cannabis-derived gummies on the shelves in your local dispensary! Stop in and ask for Wana gummies today.
Minnesota: THC content is limited to 5 mg per serving and 50 mg per package.
Mississippi: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Montana: THC content is limited to 0.5 mg per serving and 2 mg per package.
Missouri: We’re excited to offer our hemp-derived beverages in your area! While we’re not currently offering our hemp gummies to your state on Wanderous, you ARE able to find Wana cannabis-derived gummies on the shelves in your local dispensary! Stop in and ask for Wana gummies today.
Nebraska: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Nevada: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
New Hampshire: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
New Jersey: THC content is limited to 0.5 mg per serving and 2.5 mg per package. Hemp products above those limits must be sold by an ABC-licensed distributor (beverages) or a licensed dispensary. No synthetics are allowed.
New Mexico: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
New York: THC content is limited to 1 mg per serving and 10 mg per package.
North Carolina: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
North Dakota: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Ohio: We’re excited to offer our hemp-derived beverages in your area! While we’re not currently offering our hemp gummies to your state on Wanderous, you ARE able to find Wana cannabis-derived gummies on the shelves in your local dispensary! Stop in and ask for Wana gummies today.
Oklahoma: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Oregon: THC content is limited to 2 mg per serving and 20 mg per package.
Pennsylvania: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Rhode Island: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
South Carolina: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
South Dakota: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Tennessee: THC content is limited to 25 mg per serving.
Texas: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Utah: THC content cannot exceed 10% of the total cannabinoid content.
Vermont: THC content is limited to 1.5 mg per serving and 10 mg per package.
Virginia: THC content is limited to 2 mg per package or must maintain a 25:1 CBD to THC ratio.
Washington: No THC is allowed to be sold outside of licensed dispensaries.
West Virginia: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Wisconsin: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Wyoming: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.
Washington, DC: Lucky you! All Wanderous products are currently available in your state.